Victorian RANZCP Advanced Training in the Psychotherapies 2011


VICTORIA -RANZCP Advanced Training in the Psychotherapies 2011

Registrars and Fellows interested in taking up advanced training in the psychotherapies are advised that a new intake into the course will begin in February 2011– see details below – Seminars take place on a week night after hours with school holiday breaks.


Advanced training in the psychotherapies starts with a 6 month Core Program of seminars which covers four main modalities in psychotherapy – individual psychodynamic, CBT, family and couples therapy and group therapy. The theoretical basis and application of these four modalities are revised and extended.  The seminars also help trainees develop a more sophisticated understanding of psychological and developmental processes in their work, as well as covering assessment and referral, research, psychotherapy and neuroscience, psychotherapy combined with other treatments etc.

Following the Core Program trainees will then continue their training in either Individual Psychodynamic, CBT , Family Therapy and Group Therapy.


Once all training requirements within the chosen modality are completed the RANZCP awards a Certificate of Advanced Training in the Psychotherapies.


The training has been undertaken by registrars and Fellows from diverse clinical settings and backgrounds who want to enhance and develop their skills in the various psychological approaches for their work in general psychiatry as well as those planning to practise predominantly as psychotherapists in their chosen modality. The seminars are run in a group setting and are clinically based.


For further information please contact:

Dr Frances Minson

Director of Advanced Training in the Psychotherapies (Vic)

Email or mobile: 0408 506 350